Our Home Study is in the Mail

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our home study is in the mail!!! This is a long awaited day with piles of paperwork and a few unexpected roadblocks in our past. We now will be counting down the weeks – probably days – until we get the much coveted home study approval. This is a major step in the adoption process. We’ve been told that approval typically takes four weeks. Once we get the approval, we can apply for grants/loan, send our I800A to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), and view CCCWAA’s database of special needs children. 

Even though we are trying to hurry things along, we acknowledge that everything will happen according to God’s timing. He may speed things up at times or slow them down at others so that we ultimately adopt the child that He has in mind for us. Of course, there could be other reasons for God's timing in this as well. I’m sure that at the end of this journey we will be able to look back and understand so much more than we do now.