100 Good Wishes Quilt

Thursday, October 13, 2011
I have decided to make a “100 Good Wishes Quilt” for our daughter. In China it is called a “Bai Jia Bei,” and it is an old tradition in parts of China for friends and family to donate pieces of fabric to the child’s mother to make a quilt. Often the fabric comes from clothes that the people no longer wear, or even from clothing of ancestors that have passed. The quilt is then handed down through the generations. They believe that the good wishes from all of the families and friends surround the child when she is wrapped in the quilt. We would like for our friends, family, and people out there in blogosphere to help us honor this tradition from our daughter’s homeland.  If you’re reading this, we would love for you to participate too!

Here’s what you need to do to participate:

1. Please choose a fabric that is 100% cotton(no knit). Maybe you have some remnants you’re not using that would be perfect. You are also welcome to send fabric that has a history or special meaning, even from old clothing like they do in China.

2. Cut a 8” square to be used for the quilt.

3. Then on a piece of paper write or type your wish for our daughter.  You can use decorative paper if you’d like, and if you’re into scrapbooking you can be as creative as you’d like. Your “wish” can be a prayer, scripture, song lyric, advice, your hopes for our daughter’s future, or just a simple note welcoming her to the family.
4. Attach a small swatch of the fabric you’re using to the note and be sure to sign your name.
The “wishes” will then be made into a memory book that will match the quilt blocks to who they’re from and that person’s wish for our daughter. What a wonderful keepsake it will be.
5. Send the fabric and good wishes to us, or you may give them to either of our mom’s or my sister Leonda if you’re in the Southern Illinois area. If you wish to mail them, please contact me for my address.
If you have more than one person in your family who would like to participate, you are welcome to send more than one quilt block and wish. Remember, we trying to collect at least 100, so the more the better. Children are also welcome to contribute to this project.
Thank you for participating!