Now Waiting for Travel Approval

Friday, June 8, 2012

Our Article 5 is done, and we are now officially waiting for Travel Approval!  In some ways, it’s hard to believe that we will be traveling soon to the other side of the world to bring home a child.

Karolyn at CHI was good to get right back to me with an answer. I had asked if Xiao Wei would be moved out of foster care and into an orphanage before we travel to China to get her. I answer is yes, she will be moved when our adoption date is set. Thankfully, she is still with her foster family now.

I was hoping this wouldn’t happen, as it’s one more traumatic experience for our daughter to go through, but I read an interesting explanation online that makes me feel a little better about it. If we were to go to China and take her directly from her foster family, which is the only family she has ever known, she might see us as bad people who caused her grief. When we take her from the orphanage, we will be rescuing her and giving her a family again.  I know it sounds awful, but we have to make peace with it. She will have to go through the grieving process either way. She will be leaving her foster family and country behind to take up residence with people that look different and talk different. We will all need God’s grace.

For anyone out there considering adoption, I want to urge you to take that first step. The adoption process isn’t easy, but when the referral day comes, and you finally see your child's picture and hear their name for the first time, all the paperwork and waiting become worth it.
