We're Home

Thursday, August 2, 2012
We're home and doing well. I will be posting more pictures and hopefully videos in the next day or two. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support!


  1. Sherri said... :

    Welcome home, so looking forward to videos and more pics. Our friends are still sitting in the Detroit Airport, won't be home until 10:52 can't wait. And again, your little girl is just so stinking cute.

  1. Unknown said... :

    Lori, I don't know if you have received my past message but we are adopting a little girl that lives in the same place that Mia did. In fact I just got an update photo of my Lily that is on the same "duck" ride on toy that Mia was on. I just started our blog at journey2lilymei.blogspot.com. I have been following your journey and can't wait for ours. Thanks so much for sharing. Stephanie Martinell

  1. Lori said... :


    Thanks for sharing your blog link. I will be following your journey as well. The pictures of Lily and Mia are not only on the same toy, but also share the same sadness about them. It's very upsetting, but soon you will see Lily's smiles and hear her giggles just as we have Mia's.

    God bless you and your family on this journey.