We Have I-800A Approval

Saturday, June 7, 2014

We have I-800A approval. We were approved 6/4 and received the notice in the mail today. Wow! One more step down. Like the fingerprint appointments, the I-800A approval came sooner than expected. Unfortunately, this probably means that there are less families adopting. We will have a copy of our approval notarized Monday. Brent will take the last four documents of our dossier to the Sec. of State's office Tuesday for certification. The office isn't very far from where he works. Then Wednesday we will mail the four documents to our courier, Denise Hope, in Chicago. The Chinese Consulate in Chicago no longer allows for families to mail in their documents. So, it's either we hand deliver them or use a courier, and a courier is actually cheaper than travel. The Chinese Consulate has to authenticate the documents. We then should have the documents back in our hands sometime the following week. After this it will be time to submit these final documents to our adoption agency, China Adoption With Love, Inc. to complete our dossier. At that point we will need $5,380 for our agency fee and China's application fee before our dossier can be submitted to China. The timing of this will depend on when we have the funds available. 



  1. Libbe said... :

    How exciting!! We submitted our I-800A on June 3 and today I saw that they cashed our check! Also, Denise has 12 of our documents right now! Or rather, the Chinese Consulate has them. She is picking them back up this week. :)

  1. Lori said... :

    We are both getting close to seeing our little ones for the first time.

  1. Megan said... :

    Oh my goodness, that's amazing! That's, what, a 5 week total turnaround! Our fingerprint appointment is on the 17th of this month, so now I'm super excited! :)

  1. Lori said... :

    Yes, it was 5 weeks and 1 day from the receipt date, which was the day after we mailed it!

  1. Congrats on your approval!! I have been googling everyday to try and find a blog I can identify with! and I came across yours today and to my surprise, we are using the same agency!! how exciting... We mailed our i800a about two weeks ago, I got the receipt in the mail that they recieved it and are just waiting on appointments... I am anticipating our LID to be October or November :) I would love to stay in touch?? :)
    Cape Coral, FL

  1. Lori said... :


    That's exciting. I'd like to stay in touch too.