
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
We have DTC!!! Our dossier was sent to China on Monday (just found out). We are now officially waiting for our LID (log in date from China), after which we can get a referral for a waiting child. For Mia's adoption, it took about 6 months after our LID to be matched. That was a very long, torturous wait. We think that we will be matched much sooner this time because we are open to a boy or a girl a little older, 3-5 years, and our list of special needs that we are open to is longer. We shall see. I will continually remind myself that God's timing is perfect. It is my  prayer that we are matched with the child that He has chosen for us, regardless of gender, age or special need.



  1. Congratulations on the DTC! We have just been getting word of release dates from our agency. For the past two months they have released 2 a month. Our agency was hopeful the twice a month updates would continue but didn't know for sure. If that is the case, then not this Monday but the next would be the next update, as the last list was released last Monday the 23rd. I don't know of any other way to get the updates - do you? Hopefully y'all will be LID by that time as well! Praying and watching along with you…

  1. Libbe said... :

    Congrats, you guys!! Hope you get your LID super quick!

  1. Congrats!! We are waiting for our fingerprints to come back :) Then we shall get our LID as well! yay!!