My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. ...
James 1:1-8
This day has been full of trials to say the least. The rain that we had yesterday in Beijing was the heaviest rain they've had in 60 years. We were told that hundreds of flights were cancelled. We woke up at 4:30 this morning to catch our 7:50 flight, but it ended up being delayed until 3:00 this afternoon, since they were trying to make up the flights that had been cancelled yesterday. We got into Nanning at 6:45.
None of this really matters though, because tomorrow is Gotcha Day. It's hard to believe that it's finally here. This journey started a little over seventeen months ago. A crib is already set up in our hotel room.
We found out this evening that babies in China stay on bottles with formula until they are 2-3 years old, so she still takes a bottle. We will have to get one and formula at the store tomorrow. We won't meet her until 3:30 tomorrow. She has a 4 1/2 hour car ride, and she is most likely not accustomed to riding in a car. She will then be handed over to strangers who look different and talk different. She was moved from her foster home to an orphanage a couple of weeks ago. This will be another drastic change in her life in such a short time.
Please cover us in your prayers.
End of Day Journaling
1 week ago
You have Mia!!! It is making me cry! O Jesus, bless this little one and make her feel like she's come home, now that she is with the Lance's.
Love you guys! Peace be with you!