Mia Is Offically Ours

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Our adoption is now complete. Mia is still doing amazingly well, and is already forming attachments to us. She has even called us baba(daddy) and Ma. We were under the impression that Mia was very timid and quiet, but she is really coming out of her shell. She was a chatterbox this afternoon. It was so cute. She was holding a play phone up to her ear and talking away in Cantonese/baby talk. She has a sweet voice.We have been trying our best to keep to her regular schedule and to feed her her favorite foods, which the orphange said are noodles, steamed buns, and rice congee. Rice congee is her least favorite of these. She definitely loves her noodles. She also loves chicken and the Gerber Graduate fruit melts. It's amazing how much a 18 pound girl can eat. She is not drinking enough though.We were not able to meet Mia's foster mother or travel to her home town of Bobai today, but we recieved some pictures of her with her foster family. The Alliance for Children Foundation sponsored Mia and put this photo book together for us. We sent a gift with the Bobai orphange director to give to the foster mother. In it was a thankyou letter to her that we had translated into Chinese and a picture frame with a picture of Mia, as well as a few other goodies.Yesterday, we did find out that the biological mother left a note with Mia. It said "She was born on Feb.11, 2011. Thank you for adopting her." I'm am so grateful that her mother gave her life.


  1. Laura T said... :

    Hi Brent, Lori and Emily! I am so excited for you guys! She's yours now! I can't wait to meet this sweet little girl. It is a real testimony and confirmation that she has taken to you so well. It's God's stamp of approval. May the rest of your time there be blessed and blanketed with God's presence and power. Love you guys! Laura T.

  1. Clark Lance said... :

    Baba and Ma! I cried when I read that and have cried off and on all week as we've seen pictures and talked with you guys! Words just can't express how blessed our whole family is that God chose you two to be Mia's Baba and Ma!

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