This morning we went to a mall. Mia seemed to enjoy shopping. For lunch she had her first happy meal, and this afternoon she took her first steps!
We caught some of those first steps on video, but unfortunately I can't upload video here. Brent was able to put them on his face book though.
We are seeing lots of other adoption families here because no matter what province in China you adopt your child from, everyone has to go to Guangzhou before they can leave China. This is where the American consulate is, and it's there that we get Mia's visa. We will be going there tomorrow.
End of Day Journaling
1 week ago
Just darling your little girl. When we were there in Feb/March the China Marriott was packed with adoptive families. Always big groups of them in the lobby. And in that very hotel, Emma too had her first french fry. Your little one is just stinking adorable and I can't thank you enough once again for sharing photos of my friends.