Yesterday we had a follow up visit by our social worker, Whitney, from BCHFS. These visits are necessary in order to keep our foster home license, which is required by IL in order for us to adopt. The visit included checking smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and hot water temperature. I was also asked some questions like, how will you discipline your child, and how many hours a week does Brent work? We will need to keep our foster home license until we receive our child, or longer if we were going to adopt again.
Additional visits from our social worker are required by China to do post-adoption reports. These will take place at one month, six months, and twelve months after the adoption, and then one at the second, third, and fifth year after the adoption. The only problem I have with these post-adoption visits is that they can be scary for the child. I’ve heard that some adopted children fear that they will be removed from their home if the visits don’t go well. This of course is not true, but I can see where a child might think that.