Can We Move Forward?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We once again are being told that our home study has been approved. We even have it in hand now, but we are not allowing ourselves to get too excited because last time our adoption agency, Children’s Hope International, found an oversight that had to be addressed. That costs us a three week delay.CHI still has to review it this time too and send us a letter of approval that will go to the USCIS along with the I-800A, the home study, a copy of our marriage license, copies of our birth certificates, and a money order for $975.  I am hoping that the letter from CHI arrives tomorrow or Thursday. I will then overnight the package to the USCIS office in Texas. I will overnight it because at this point ever day counts, and could make or break us meeting the deadline for having our dossier to CHI by Sept. 1 so that they can have it in China by Oct. 1. If we don’t make the deadline, we have to meet new requirements that China has set for anyone that doesn’t have their dossier to them by Oct. 1. We would have to get a new home study agency that is Hague accredited. We would basically have to start the whole process over with the new home study agency. The new requirements would also require that our reference letters be redone and notarized. We would also be required to have additional reference letters; one from our adult son and from one of our daughter’s teachers at school. It would also mean additional costs. So it is very important to us that we meet that deadline.  Please keep praying that everything falls into place.

On a happier note, I am starting to think about decorating the nursery or little girl's room. (We don't yet know how old she'll be.) I bought a beautiful Oriental table cloth from a yard sale that I am going to turn into a couple of throw pillows. I also have been sketching a picture of a cherry blossom tree that I want to do as a moral on the wall. I will posts pictures in the future as the room takes shape. Right now I am just in the planning stage, but this is much more fun than paperwork. 


  1. Anonymous said... :

    Keep your head up & faith strong. I know this is an extra aggrevation, but it will pass as the other obstacles have. When do you get to start on your grants? Leonda