Just Waiting (and obsessively watching for the release of shared lists)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Today I learned that our agency has 13 LID families, including ours, currently waiting for a SN match. Families aren't necessarily matched in order ,however, because it all depends what child each family is open to regarding age, gender, and special needs. The families waiting for an infant girl with very minor needs will probably have a long wait. Our wait might be shorter with our openness to either gender in the 3-5 year range. Of course, there's really no way of knowing, and anything is possible. And of course, God's timing is perfect. I need to prepare myself for a long wait, because sadly it is a possibility.

Also, in emailing our agency this morning, I found out that they just received a grant for us for $500 from Heart of the Bride. I was shocked, because we didn't know that they had awarded us a grant. Maybe the letter or email was lost, but it was a total surprise. This amount is going to go toward our agency's $700 referral fee, which isn't actually due until we have LOA. Praise God as He continues to provide!