Why We're Not Requesting a Healthy Child

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have a list that I printed off of CHI’s website that gives an overview of the papers that we will be needing for something called a dossier. There’s a country guide with all the details. I hope that I can pick one up this Saturday when we go to CHI for an informational meeting. I ordered a certified marriage certificate today. That is one paper I know we’ll need that we don’t have. I also completed the application for CHI today. We are requesting a girl from China around 2 years old with minor correctible needs. If anyone is wondering why we aren’t requesting a healthy child that is a good question. Of course we want all of our children to be as healthy as possible that’s human nature, but in this case it just doesn’t make sense. Last summer we were told that the wait for a healthy child from China is over 4 years! We are already in our mid-forties. We don’t want to wait too long. We would like our daughter Emily to still be living at home when we get the adopted child. Emily is a freshman in high school now. In four years she will most likely be off at college somewhere. Anyway, a minor correctible could be something like club feet or cleft lip. There’s a long list of conditions that could fall into this category. 