Update on Mia Xiao Wei

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We received an update this morning on Mia. According to the numbers they’ve given us, she has grown an inch in 3 months and lost 1 lb. I don’t know if the numbers they gave us are correct or not. That makes her 30.3” tall and 18.7 lb. The 18 months size cloths we have for her may swallow her. Also, they say she is very quiet and shy, and that she isn’t walking yet. The "not walking" would scare me if I didn’t know that it’s very common with orphans her age in China. They often start walking soon after being adopted. The “not walking” is usually associated with babies in orphanages that are left in cribs most of the time. Mia, however, has been in foster care, so I don’t know why she’s not walking. She does, however, look like she is strong and sure footed in the picture below of her standing. 

We won’t have a clear picture of her medical needs until we are back home with her. I have already made an appointment for her with the international adoption doctor at Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis, MO.  She is the doctor that reviewed Mia’s medical records before we accepted the referral. We hope to have a new echocardiogram made that day. I’m praying that the VSD has closed on its own.

Mia looks terribly sad in the pictures. We have never seen her smile yet, but we think she is absolutely beautiful. (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.)

P.S. We leave for China 2 weeks from Thursday!


  1. Susan said... :

    Hi, have been watching your blog. Don't worry about your little sweetie not walking. Our oldest was 9 months old when we brought her home and she didn't walk until she was 16 months old. My husband was born here and didn't walk until he was 18 months old. She is standing and balancing next to that toy so I will bet you she will be off and running soon. Have a wonderful time on your trip! Mia is beautiful! Such wonderful eyes!

  1. I'm sure you will have her smiling in no time! She is just adorable. Can't wait for "Gotcha Day". Blessings

  1. She is adorable! So soon she will be in your arms!