Home Inspection

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today was the second home visit for our home study. Our social worker from BCHFS performed a home inspection. She did a walkthrough of the whole house, inspected smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, made sure all medicines and cleaners are out of a child’s reach, made sure that the adopted child will have adequate living and closet space, and tested the hot water temp to see if it is 115 degrees or less. Everything is as it should be.

Also today, we received an email from our adoption agency, Children’s Hope International, saying that once we have our home study approval and our I-800a filed with USCIS, we will be allowed to review all the children on the CCCWA's (China’s Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) website. This is a multiple agency listing that has over 1500 Special Focus Children available for adoption.  These are children with moderate to severe special needs. 

We are still hoping for a child with a minor medical need, but we are becoming more open to moderate special needs. We have also expanded the age range for the child that we will accept from the original 18-24 months to 12 months - 6 years.

If you’re wondering why we have become more open all of the sudden, it’s because we’ve been viewing a website of an orphanage in China called Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village (www.chinaorphans.org). Our hearts for orphans are expanding as we look at the pictures and videos from this one orphanage.



  1. Anonymous said... :

    I cried. So many need the special love of a family.